Able2Extract PDF Converter 8 Review: A Quick and Accurate Way To Convert Native PDF To Editable File Formats - Cebu X-Geeks


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Able2Extract PDF Converter 8 Review: A Quick and Accurate Way To Convert Native PDF To Editable File Formats

A few days ago, I published my review of the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Pro tool. Today, I'm going to talk about another software this time around, it's all about PDF conversion.

Universal File Format

The PDF or Portable File Format developed by Adobe Systems is considered to be a universal file format for it allows the distribution of documents regardless of platform. Whether you are using a PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) or mobile device (iOS, Android) the formatting, layout, tables, and graphics in a PDF file are locked down which enables all users to view the content of the document as intended.

The content lock down feature makes the PDF and ideal solution when presenting critical data such as tables and charts because no matter where the information is accessed, they remain unaltered. However, this level of content security also makes PDF files a hassle, especially when you need to edit the content or extract data from it.

Have you ever tried copying some texts from a PDF file? How about tables or images? It's not always easy and if ever you need to deal with PDF files on a regular basis, you would need a good converter to make the task easier.

Able2Extract PDF Converter 8 Review Features

This PDF converter developed by Investintech is probably one of the best (if not the best) PDF to Word/Excel/PPT/etc solution available today. It's jammed packed with features when compared to other converters most of which are limited to Word conversion only. With Able2Extract 8.0, you can transform a PDF file or even a text file into various formats.
  • PDF to MS Word
  • PDF to MS Excel
  • PDF to MS PowerPoint
  • PDF to MS Publisher
  • PDF to OpenOffice
  • PDF to HTML
  • PDF to AutoCAD
  • PDF to Image
I like that the UI is very visual and straightforward. You don't need a manual to figure out how it works. It also doubles as a PDF viewer and gives you option to convert the entire file or select pages/areas only. It even supports tabs so you can open multiple files at the same time.

It converts files quickly and the texts are very accurate. When it comes to converting files with simple layouts, editing is usually not needed --- both formatting and text. Margins, font style, and other document formatting remain intact most of the time. For documents with a tricky layout, particularly those with stylized borders and/or footers, minor editing is required, but only for spacing (probably due to a different document size). It seems that Able2Extract has a very intelligent text recognition algorithm.

Problems encountered

- PDF to MS Word/OpenOffice Writer/AutoCAD

Since I only have MS Starter installed, I kept getting an error message when trying to convert a PDF into an MS Office file format and was unable to convert. However, when I try to convert to OpenOffice or AutoCAD, I don't get the same error message and converting is fine, even when I also don't have either of the said programs installed.

I did install OpenOffice for the sake of testing the output of this PDF converter. Here are my findings:

- When converting text only PDF files to ODF (Open Document Format), the layout, spacing, font style, font size and texts remain intact. In my own tests, all the time the result is 100% accurate. The same goes when converting for text only PDF to Open Office presentations and tables to spreadsheets.

- When converting PDF files with heavy graphics such as charts, graphs, and tables, I did not encounter any issue at all during my tests. However, PDF files with heavy stylizations such as fancy borders and magazine type layouts, some editing is needed mostly for spacing. There are cases where the design and stylizations are not preserved, but very minimal such as misaligned or missing images.

- PDF to Image conversion is very efficient. - PDF to HTML Among all the possible file formats you can convert a PDF file into, the HTML option appears to be the most accurate --- text and layout wise. This feature will be very handy if you need to publish reports, memos, and other documents to a website.

Who can benefit from Able2Extract PDF Converter?

Anyone who needs to extract data from PDF files on a regular basis, such as accountants and data analysts can benefit from using this application. Its low error margin and quick processing can also help you more productive.


I tested the software with different kinds of PDF documents I can think of and all of the time I have not seen a misspelled word other than those pre-existing ones or even extra characters. It is also the first PDF converter that runs on all three major operating systems. It's really annoying when you read/hear a good software recommendation only to find that it's not available for Linux, etc. Well, not Able2Extract. Another thing I like about the software is that no credit card information is required to download the free trial. The drawback is, the trial is only good for 7 days and limited to 3 pages per conversion only. Get your free trial here!

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