Toys For The Big Boys is an annual event hosted by Parkmall, At day two of the event, the combined forces of Da Geek Squad(DGS), Cebu Plastic Modelers League(CPML), Cebu Gundam Society(CGS), Bea's Diecast Shop(BDS), and Transformers Legacy Cebu(TLC) showcased their mind blowing collections. This is also TLCs inaugural exhibit, hopefully we get more to see more Transformers from them in future geeky events!
Monday, June 19, 2017
Toys For The Big Boys at Parkmall Year 3 Day 2
About Cebu X-Geeks
We are just a bunch of geeks living in Cebu City who likes to have fun and chill! Meet the team
Cebu X-Geeks,